Dr Javier Argomaniz
Senior Lecturer
Javier Argomaniz is a Senior Lecturer at the University of St Andrews Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV), where he has published widely on the subject of state, non-state and civilian responses to political violence. His work has been published in Terrorism and Political Violence, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Cooperation and Conflict, Intelligence and National Security and a number of other peer-reviewed journals. He has co-directed two separate international and multi-disciplinary projects funded by the EU on the needs of victims of terrorism and the role of victims in the prevention of conflict.
Research Interests
Dr Argomaniz primary research interest is terrorism and political violence in Europe. His research has focused on international cooperation against terrorism and, more specifically, how the European Union has responded to transnational threats.
He is also interested in the consequences of political violence, the relationship between victimhood and radicalisation and the social and political framing of victims of political violence.
Lastly, a further specific research interest relates to mobilisation for peace in protracted conflicts and civil resistance to non-state militant groups.
(2011) Post–9/11 European Union Counter-terrorism: Politics, Polity and Policies (London: Routledge)
Special Issues
(2019) Understanding European jihadists: criminals, extremists or both (with Kupatadze, A.)
(2010) El Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia de la UE. Un balance entre presidencias españolas (2002–2010) (Revista CIDOB D’Affairs Internacionals, 91) (with Bermejo, R.)
(2015) ‘A Decade of EU Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence: A Critical Assessment’ (Intelligence and National Security, 30: 2–3, 191–206) (with Bures, O. & Kaunert, C.) [Top 5 most read and cited Intelligence and National Security article]
(2012) ‘A rhetorical spill-over? Exploring the link between the European Union Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and the External Dimension in EU Counter-terrorism’(European Foreign Affairs Review, 17, Special Issue, 35–52)
(2010) ‘Before and After Lisbon: Legal implementation as the ‘Achilles Heel’ in EU Counter-terrorism?’ (European Security, 19:2, 297–316)
(2009) ‘Post–9/11 institutionalisation of European Union Counter-terrorism: Emergence, Acceleration and Inertia’ (European Security, 18: 2, 151 – 172)
(2009) ‘The Passenger Name Records agreement and the European Union internalisation of US Border Security norms’ (Journal of European Integration, 31:1,119–136)
(2007) ‘The Effects of closed circuit television on crime: meta-analysis of an English national quasi-experimental multi-Site evaluation’ (Journal of Experimental Criminology, 3, 21–38, March 2007) (with Farrington, D., Gill, M. & Waples S.)
Book Chapters
(2019) ‘Civil Action Against ETA Terrorism in Basque Country’ in D. Avant, M. Berry, E. Chenoweth, R.A. Epstein, C. Hendrix, O. Kaplan and T. Sisk (eds.) Civil Action and the Dynamics of Violence (New York: Oxford University Press)
(2018) ‘Memory, truth and justice: Understanding the experience of victims of terrorism and political violence. The cases of the United Kingdom and Spain’ in O. Lynch and J. Argomaniz (eds.) Victims and Perpetrators of Terrorism. Exploring Identities, Roles and Narratives (London: Routledge) (with Lynch, O., Serrano A. and Lawther, C.)
(2017) ‘The impact of ethno- nationalist violence: Comparing the experiences of victims of ETA and paramilitaries in Northern Ireland’ in R. Leonisio, F. Molina and D. Muro (eds.) ETA’s Terrorist Campaign: From Violence to Politics, 1968–2015 (London: Routledge)
(2015) ‘State Responses to Victims of Terrorism Needs in Spain’ in J. Argomaniz and O. Lynch (eds.) International Perspectives on Terrorist Victimisation. An Interdisciplinary Approach (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
(2015) ‘European Instruments Concerning Victims of Terrorism Rights: Meeting Needs?’ in O. Lynch and J. Argomaniz (eds.) Victims of Terrorism. A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Study (London: Routledge)
(2015) ‘Meeting the Needs of Victims of Terrorism – Lessons for the International Context’ in O. Lynch and J. Argomaniz (eds.) Victims of Terrorism. A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Study (London: Routledge) (with Lynch, O.)
(2015) ‘Best Practice Recommendations For Supporting Victims of Terrorism’ in O. Lynch and J. Argomaniz (eds.) Victims of Terrorism. A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Study (London: Routledge) (with Lynch, O.; Serrano, A.; Carmel, J. and Alonso, R.)
(2013) ‘Obstacles to International Action Against State Terror in the Post-Cold War International System’ in G. Duncan, O. Lynch, G. Ramsay, A. Watson (eds) State Terrorism and Human Rights (London: Routledge) (with Lehr, P.)
(2012) ‘Terrorism’ in S. Biscop and R. Whitman (eds.) Handbook of European Security (London: Routledge) (with Rees, W.)
(2012) ‘A ‘coordination nightmare’?: Institutional Coherence in European Union Counter-Terrorism’ in C.Kaunert, S. Leonard and P. Pawlak (eds.) European Homeland Security A European strategy in the making? (London: Routledge)
(2015) The Victimisation Experience and the Radicalisation Process; An Understanding of the Perpetrator-Victim Complex in the case of Terrorism and Political Violence. (European Commission, Project Report) (with Lynch, O., et al.)
(2013) Good Practices in the Provision of Support Initiatives to Victims of Terrorism. Lessons from the case of the UK and Spain (European Commission, Project Report) (with Lynch, O., et al.)
(2012) ‘Counter-terrorism Measures in Response to Terrorist Innovation’ in M.M. Hafez and M.J. Rasmussen Terrorist Innovations in Weapons of Mass Effect, Phase II (US Naval Postgraduate School, Workshop Report)
(2010) ‘The European Union post 9/11 counter-terror policy response: an overview’ (RIEAS Research Paper, 140, February)
Recent Research
- Dr Argomaniz and Dr Kupatadze (Kings College London) have been awarded a British Academy / Leverhulme Small Research Grant in March 2017 to examine the relationship between crime and terrorism amongst European jihadists in order to better understand when, how and why petty criminals engage in terrorist activity.
- Dr Argomaniz was one of the principal investigators for a European project that started in September 2013 and concluded in 2015: Preventing terrorism: Victims of terrorism and their participation in counter-radicalisation initiatives – understanding the choice. The study aims at investigating the victim-perpetrator cycle in terrorism and political violence and examining the role of victims in the prevention of terrorism and political violence.
- From January 2011 to December 2012, Dr Argomaniz has directed with Orla Lynch the EU-funded project Assessing support initiatives for victims of terrorism in the United Kingdom and Spain: Lessons for the European context. The research team has conducted a comparative analysis of the needs of victims of political violence in UK and Spain and the activities of statutory bodies and victims groups. The study has delivered a Final Report with policy recommendations on supporting victims of terrorism to be disseminated through the European Commission to European victims groups. The project has also set up a Victims of Terrorism Portal, two practitioner workshops and an international conference; and produced a series of academic outputs, including a forthcoming Routledge book and an edited volume by Palgrave on Victims of Terrorism.
IR5902 Research Methods
IR5920 International Law and Terrorism
IR4574 Understanding Terrorism
IR5007 Terrorism and Liberal Democracy (Lectures on ‘Counter-terrorism and the European Union’)
IR5003 Regional Security (Lectures on ‘Europe’)
IR3008 International Terrorism (Lectures on ‘Counter-terrorism’ and ‘Terrorism and Liberal Democracy’)
IR5601 Research in International Relations (Lectures on ‘Quantitative and Qualitative Methods’)
PhD Supervision Topics
Dr Argomaniz is willing to supervise students working on:
- Terrorism and Political Violence
- Counter-terrorism
- International Organisations
- European Security
- Civil resistance
Funding Awards
(2017) Understanding European jihadists: criminals, extremists or both? British Academy / Leverhulme Small Research Grant. Total budget: 9,060 £.
(2012) The victimisation experience and the radicalisation process. An understanding of the perpetrator victim cycle amongst individuals involved in terrorism. European Commission DG HOME Targeted Call for Proposals RAD Action Grants 2012. Total budget: 669,428 €.
(2010) Supporting victims of terrorism, the role of Victim orientated organizations: the case of the UK and Spain. European Commission DG JLS Specific Programme ‘Criminal Justice’ 2007–2013. Project Partners: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain). Total budget: 427,096 €.