Dr Diego Muro
Senior Lecturer
Dr Diego Muro is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Relations at the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews. He previously held positions at King’s College London (2003-2009) and the Pompeu Fabra University (2009-2016). He has also been Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute (2008-09) and Senior Fellow at the University of Oxford (2011-12).
His research interests include political violence, terrorism, nationalism, and secession. He is the author of ‘Ethnicity and Violence’ (Routledge, 2008), ‘The Politics and Memory of Democratic Transition’ (Routledge, 2011), ‘ETA’s Terrorist Campaign’ (Routledge, 2017) and ‘When Does Terrorism Work?’ (Routledge, 2019). He is also the co-editor of two books that will be published by ECPR Press and OUP in early 2020: ‘Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession’ (with Ryan D. Griffiths) and the ‘Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics’ (with Ignacio Lago).
Room 238, CSTPV
(co-edited with Tim Wilson) Contemporary Terrorism Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press (under contract).
(ed.) When Does Terrorism Work? London: Routledge.
Ethnicity and Violence: The Case of Radical Basque nationalism, London: Routledge.
Special Issues
(ed) (2017) Resilient Cities. Countering Violent Extremism at Local Level. Barcelona: CIDOB. ISBN: 978-84-92511-49-5. Ebook can be downloaded from: https://www.cidob.org/en/publications/publication_series/monographs/monographs/resilient_cities_countering_violent_extremism_at_local_level
(ed.) ¿Es eficaz el terrorismo? Special issue of the journal Afers Internacionals, 112, April.
Peer-reviewed articles
(co-authored with Martijn Vlaskamp (Yale) & Guillem Vidal (EUI) Does international recognition matter? Support for unilateral secession in Catalonia and Scotland, Nations and Nationalism: https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12557
Diego Muro, ‘The Stillbirth of a Catalan Republic’, Current History, March 2018, pp. 83-88.
Diego Muro & Guillem Vidal, ‘Political Mistrust in Southern Europe since the Great Recession’, Mediterranean Politics, 22:2, 197-217, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2016.1168962
‘The Political Economy of Terrorism’, Georgetown Security Studies Review, pp. 61-69.http://georgetownsecuritystudiesreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Muro-The-Political-Economy-of-Terrorism-in-Europe-The-Integration-of-Supply-and-Demand-Side-Approaches-at-City-Level.pdf
‘How do Prospects of EU Membership Influence Support for Secession? A Survey Experiment in Catalonia and Scotland’, West European Politics, Vol. 39, Issue 6, pp. 1115-1138.
‘¿Cuándo desaparecen los grupos terroristas? El papel de la política anti-terrorista, la fragmentación organizativa y los factores individuales en el final de Terra Lliure’, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, No. 40 (1), pp. 39-61.
‘Healing Through Action? The Political Mobilisation of Victims of Al Qaeda Inspired Violence in Spain and the UK’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 38(6), pp. 478-493.
‘When Do Countries Re-centralize? Ideology and Party Politics in the Age of Austerity’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 21(1), pp. 24-43.
‘Politics of Territorial Accommodation in Zapatero’s Spain’, South European Society & Politics, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 453–468.
‘The Politics of War Memory’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 1-20, pp. 659-678.
‘Nationalism and Nostalgia: the Case of Radical Basque Nationalism’, Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 571-590.
co-authored with Alejandro Quiroga, ‘Spanish Nationalism: Ethnic or Civic?’, Ethnicities, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 9-29.
co-authored with Alejandro Quiroga, ‘Building the Spanish Nation: The Centre-Periphery Dialectic’, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 18-37.
‘The Logic of Violence’, Politics, Volume 22, No. 2, pp. 109-117.
Book chapters
‘Terrorism: Supply and Demand’, Matthews, Ron (ed.) The Political Economy of Defence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
‘Let the people rule! Definitions and theories of populism’, in Woertz, Eckart, Populism in Europe: From Symptom to Alternative. Barcelona: CIDOB. Ebook can be downloaded from: https://www.cidob.org/en/publications/publication_series/cidob_report/populism_in_europe_from_symptom_to_alternative
‘Ethnicity, Nationalism and Social Movements’, Donatella Della Porta & Mario Diani’s The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
‘When Do Countries Re-centralize? Ideology and Party Politics in the Age of Austerity’, in Richard Gillespie & Caroline Gray (eds) Contesting Spain? The Dynamics of Nationalist Movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country. Routledge.
‘The Politics of War Memory in Radical Basque Nationalism’ in Martin Bulmer & John Solomos, Nationalism and National Identities, Routledge
‘The Basques after Franco: Terrorism and Nationalism in a Divided Society’ in Alonso, Gregorio & Muro, Diego, Politics and Memory of Democratic Transition: The Spanish Model, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 159-180.
‘Politics of Territorial Accommodation in Zapatero’s Spain’, in Field, Bonnie N. (ed.) Spain’s ‘Second Transition’? The Socialist government of Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, pp. 75-90.
‘Una larga transición: nacionalismo vasco y cambio político en Euskadi’, in Ortiz Heras, Manuel, Nacionalismo, Franquismo y Transición, Madrid: La Catarata de los Libros, pp. 133-152 .
co-authored with Mary Kaldor, ‘Religious and nationalist militant networks’, in M. Kaldor, H. Anheier and M. Glasius (eds.), Global Civil Society 2003. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 151-184.
‘Campaign for a “Robin Hood Tax” for Foreign Exchange Markets’ in John Clark (ed.), Globalizing Civic Engagement: Civil Society and Transnational Action. London: Earthscan, pp. 150-163.
co-authored with Nuno Themudo, ‘Trade Unions in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities of Transnationalization’ in John Clark (ed.), Globalizing Civic Engagement: Civil Society and Transnational Action, London: Earthscan, pp. 45-65
Recent Op-Eds
Diego Muro, ¿Es eficaz el terrorismo, El País, 12 August 2018: https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/08/09/opinion/1533839489_954690.html
Diego Muro & Eckart Woertz, With an exiled president Skyping from Brussels, where now for Catalan Independence?’, The Conversation, 26 January 2018: https://theconversation.com/with-an-exiled-president-skyping-from-brussels-where-now-for-catalan-independence-90711
Diego Muro, Objetivo Terrorista: La Ciudad, El País, 17 August 2017: https://elpais.com/elpais/2017/07/23/opinion/1500831338_555325.html
Diego Muro, Cities and Terrorism. Afkar/Idees. http://www.iemed.org/observatori/arees-danalisi/arxius-adjunts/afkar/afkar-55/15villes_terrorisme_diego_muro_afkar55_fr.pdf/
‘ETA: is the terrorist group still active?’ (15 October 2016), Opendemocracy.net, https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/diego-muro/eta-is-terrorist-group-still-active
‘Why did ISIS Target France’, Opinion CIDOB (20-11-2015) http://www.cidob.org/publicaciones/serie_de_publicacion/opinion/seguridad_y_politica_mundial/why_did_isis_target_france
‘A Catalan Compromise’, Foreign Affairs (9-11-2014) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/142344/diego-muro/a-catalan-compromise
How to Compensate Victims of Terrorism: Two Nations’ Very Different Responses’ (20-1-2014), The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/01/20/how-should-victims-of-terrorism-be-compensated
‘Persistent unemployment poses a substantive threat to democracy in Southern European countries’ (13 March 2014), LSE’s European Politics and Policy Blog (EUROPP Blog) http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2014/03/13/persistent-unemployment-poses-a-substantive-threat-to-democracy-in-southern-european-countries/
‘The Spanish government must find a positive message for Catalonia if it is to reduce support for Catalan independence’ (23 July 2014), LSE’s EUROPP Blog http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2014/07/23/the-spanish-government-must-find-a-positive-message-for-catalonia-if-it-is-to-reduce-support-for-catalan-independence/
‘¿Cuándo nos importa la corrupción?’ (21-3-2014), Agenda Pública – Diario.es.http://www.eldiario.es/agendapublica/nueva-politica/importa-corrupcion_0_241125996.html
‘¿Qué pasa cuando las elecciones no sirven para castigar a los políticos que se lo merecen?’ (21-4-2014), Agenda Pública – Diario.es.http://www.eldiario.es/agendapublica/nueva-politica/elecciones-sirven-castigar-politicos-merecen_0_251974853.html
‘¿Qué piensan los votantes de las primarias?’ (1-6-2014), Agenda Pública – Diario.es. http://www.eldiario.es/agendapublica/nueva-politica/piensan-votantes-primarias_0_265623684.html
‘The Madrid Blasts, Ten Years Later’ (11-3-2014) in Opendemocracy.net https://www.opendemocracy.net/diego-muro/madrid-blasts-ten-years-later
‘Mind the Gap: The Political Consequences of the Great Recession’, Nota Internacional CIDOB 90. http://www.cidob.org/publicaciones/notes_internacionals/n1_90/mind_the_gaps_the_political_consequences_of_the_great_recession_in_europe
IR5924 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
IR5951 Fundamental Issues and Structures of Terrorism and Political Violence
IR5954 Terrorism Electives
IR4585 Comparative Secession
PhD Supervision
Dr Muro is willing to supervise students working on:
- Terrorism and Political Violence
- Counter-terrorism
- Nationalism and Secession
- International Security
Reviewer for the following journals: American Journal of Political Science, Cold War History, Critical Studies on Terrorism, Government and Opposition, Ethnicities, European Journal of Political Research, European Journal of Sociology, European Political Science Review, International Journal of Iberian Studies, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Mobilization, Millennium, National Identities, Nations and Nationalism, Party Politics, Political Studies, Political Geography, Publius, Regional and Federal Studies, Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, South European Society & Politics, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, and Terrorism and Political Violence.
Generalitat de Catalunya – Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern (IEA), Funding to research ‘Strategies of secession and counter-secession’. PI: Diego Muro. 11.230 Euros.
NOVACT – Instituto Internacional por la Acción Noviolenta, Funding to research “Best Practices report for the Observatory to Prevent Extremist Violence (OPEV)”. PI: Diego Muro. 7.500 Euros
European Commission (EC), Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Funding to research ‘The role of women and youth in preventing extremism’ (PRO13lSCA-2017). PI: Diego Muro. 100,000 Euros
European Commission (EC), Europe for Citizens, Funding to organise a two-day workshop at CIDOB on ‘Resilient Cities: Countering Violent Extremism at Local Level’. 20,880 Euros.
European Commission (EC), Europe for Citizens, Funding to organise a two-day workshop at CIDOB on ‘Secession and Counter-Secession: An International Relations Perspective’. 25,000 Euros.
Europe for Citizens, European Commission, Funding to organise a two-day workshop at CIDOB on ‘Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Violent Radicalization in the EU from Early Understanding to Improving Protection’. 15,000 Euros
Three-year Research Project on ‘Rules of Disengagement: Individual and Collective Ways Out of Terrorism’ funded by Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PI: Diego Muro). 25,000 Euros
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Grant to fund the project ‘The Impact of the European Union on Secessionism’. 14,000 Euros.