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CSTPV Short Paper Series

The Masters in Terrorism and Political violence that is taught at the Centre has seen students  completing course work on terrorism and political violence from across the globe. Some students are inspired by their home nations, and others look further afield to seek insight and understanding. Regardless of the foundation, the outcome is often the same, high quality research and analysis. So for the first time CSTPV has decided to publish some of the most outstanding pieces of course work from our students. 


The Short Paper Series is a mirror of the occasional paper series, focusing on shorter coursework rather than students’ final dissertations. Pieces are taken from the taught modules of both residential and distance-learning students that are truly impressive pieces of research, far exceeding the ordinary standard of coursework that stand out in their own right.

An open door with flowers in the foreground

Author: Benjamin Leakey

Date: 25 January 2022

Abstract: Counter-radicalisation has emerged as a nascent and prioritised sub-field of countering terrorism, particularly as Western governments shifted from the ‘Global War on Terror’ to confronting domestic or ‘home-grown’ challenges. While counter-radicalisation public policies contain varied ‘toolkits’ with a range of options for interventions to reduce risks of individuals being susceptible to radicalisation, a sustained trend across policymakers and public debate is the focus on social media sites and internet communication technologies. 

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Author: Rikke Østergård Kornerup

Date: 16 September 2021

Abstract: This study explores the ethical considerations that are encountered by Danish journalists when covering stories about terrorism and whether there is a perceived need for more editorial guidelines. The study shows that the dilemmas described in the literature are similar to those experienced by the journalists surveyed.

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Author: Archie Philipps

Publication Date: 16 June 2021

Abstract: In late 1993 Israel and what is now recognised as Palestine came to a peace agreement, the Oslo Accords, over the Palestinian self-governance of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In response to this carving up of the perceived Zionist holy land, religious groups and individuals reacted violently and aggressively to to the Accords and changed the political agenda in Israel over the following years. This paper explores the impact and cause of this explosion of violence and unrest.

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Author: Frida Bergström

Publication Date: 1 June 2021

Abstract: The rise of populism and the far-right has been a growing trend in the global north in the past decade, and with it there has been a rise in far-right political violence. This paper compares the rise of far-right politics and violence in two European societies.

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